This formation is extremely unsuitable against enemy strike craft but can inflict ruinous damage against capital ships. The strike craft fire their weapons at the target ship at the maximum possible rate, and perform almost no evasive maneuvers of any kind so target ships with good anti-strike craft weaponry will inflict heavy losses. Any move the target ship makes, the strike craft match to keep themselves in relative position. The strike craft take positions around a single target ship and hold themselves there in a mini geo-synchronous orbit at almost maximum weapon range. It works quite well for combat capital ships. The ships are extremely unlikely to dodge anything so Strike Craft can be expected to take significant losses in this formation it is not recommended for them. More suitable for capital ships, this puts your ships into a 2-D wall formation that is easy to maneuver with the intention of having a large number of weapons firing rapidly on any enemy ship that gets in range. Ships on the outer tips of the claw are very vulnerable to enemy fire and can be expected to take regular losses. Ships on the outer tips of the X may have trouble getting into range of targets.Ĭlaw formation is a highly aggressive form of the X formation the outer arms of the X curve forward so that the squadron effectively wraps around the edges of a target, firing heavily as they go. This gives a relative balance of attack and defense, and Strike Craft attack in strafing runs. The squad aims itself at targets based on how the ship at the center of the X would fly. Ships flying in the X formation literally form a giant X through space. It is extremely unsuitable for combat and is used more for show and coordinating jumps, but you are able to select it in other situations if you so choose. It is also closely tied with the Mothership if the Mothership moves the rest of the fleet moves with it keeping in the Parade formation, without having to select them to move as well. Also known as Military Parade, this is the elegant lined-up formation that the fleet starts and ends long-range hyperspace jumps with.